0408 993 943


Strata Remedial understands the construction process, responds quickly and takes the worry out of your hands.
We are renowned for our dependable and first-rate service.



Water issues are the number one problem in a strata building. Unwelcome leaks caused by inadequate or non-existent waterproofing can cause extensive damage which needs to be fixed quickly.

Moisture problems most commonly arise in:

  • Basements and car parks, particularly around the perimeters
  • Balconies, especially around planter boxes
  • Ceilings and roofs which are susceptible to collapsing
  • Kitchens, laundries and bathrooms
  • Exterior and common walls
  • Onsite detention tanks

Strata Remedial provides a comprehensive waterproofing service which includes base level polyurethane sealing and flashing work, as well as more complex applications of epoxy and torch on membranes.

We systematically get to the root of the problem and use tried and tested waterproofing procedures based on the job’s requirements and in line with Australian Standards. We aim to eliminate water completely, (rather than simply contain it), to ensure the job is done properly.

  1. British Standard BS 8102 – 2012
  2. Australian Standards Internal Waterproofing AS 3740
  3. Australian Standards External Waterproofing AS 465

Balcony repairs and balustrade replacement.

Excessive water is one of the major causes of balcony damage. If left untreated, balconies tend to become weaker and can pose a great danger to neighbouring residents or surrounding structures above and below. It is important to address the issue quickly before timber floors and tiles begin to lift or the plasterboard develops mould and the paint starts to peel.

Strata Remedial understands that safety is paramount for residents of multi-story buildings, especially for those with children and animals. The work needs to be conducted thoroughly and there is no quick-fix. We begin by shoring up the structural integrity of the area and then carefully removing all the damaged elements.

Remedial treatments include concrete repairs, waterproofing, tiling and new balustrade installation.

  1. Australian Standards AS 4653.2 2012
  2. Australian Standards AS 1170



Planter box damage.

The rise in popularity of balcony planter boxes has brought with it a range of problems caused by wayward root growth. Even the finest roots will seek out small openings in their pursuit of moisture. As the plants expand and grow with time, they create cracks in the concrete which in turn can lead to major issues.

Our team is experienced in repairing the destruction caused by plants and trees on balconies. We mend the damage and address the source of the problem by installing sheet membrane with a suitable thickness to combat root penetration.

Strata Remedial respectfully goes to great lengths to ensure that soil and plants are preserved and that resilient planter boxes are installed to support well-designed green initiatives.


Leak detection.

An unwanted leak can cause long-term damage and major threats to structural integrity. Whether you are experiencing leakage in roof cavities, walls, facades or concrete slabs, this moisture has the potential to precipitate cracking and undermine the strength of foundations and structural supports.

Additionally, stagnant water that begins to pool from untreated leaks can result in bacterial and mould growth and threaten the surrounding environment.

Common signs include:

  • Rust stains
  • Concrete spalling
  • Efflorescence (salt residue)
  • Cracks in wall linings and mortar
  • Rotting timber
  • Lifting and peeling of paintwork and render
  • Warped and lifted surfaces

Strata Remedial uses the most advanced leak detection equipment on the market which guarantees absolute accuracy. Having constructed buildings, we know where breaches are most likely to occur and we combine this knowledge with the latest technology to pinpoint the problem and fix the issue.

Utilising moisture meters, thermal cameras and dye testing, we quickly find and repair a range of problems including balcony leaks, burst pipes, sewer surcharge and waterproof membrane failures.

  1. Australian Standards AS 4630—2005

Flood restoration.

Pooling water poses a major threat to any building. It often represents just part of the problem which needs to be investigated and fixed before the flooding worsens.

Whether the influx of water is caused by a leak or weather event, the source needs to be found, and work must be undertaken by a professional to address the cause.

Strata Remedial begins by isolating the source and removing surface water using specialist equipment and hand tools. Our team then thoroughly dries all moist surfaces with fans and dehumidifiers before removing the damaged building elements and material.

Repair work is then carried out to restore the area. This may include installing a drainage system to move the water, as well as membrane installation and electrical ventilation, in the case of foundation remediation.

  1. Australian Standard AS 2870 –2011
  2. British Standards BS 8102 – 2012

Treating mould to improve your health.

Strata Remedial is committed to the health and well-being or our customers. That is why, when treating issues such as mould, we partner with an Environmental Hygienist to test the air quality before and after remediation. We continue to treat the problem until it is certified-safe based on laboratory results.

After wiping the mould from the moisture source, we remove all traces inside the walls and ventilation systems.

All the mould is eradicated by our team before the Hygienist does a final air quality check to ensure the atmosphere no longer poses a threat to the health of residents.


Concrete remediation.

Concrete spalling is caused over time by moisture and this continual water penetration can cause concrete to chip, flake or delaminate. It occurs when the steel reinforcing within the concrete slab starts to rust and subsequently expand, which leads to the weakening of the concrete.

Strata Remedial is a member of The Australasian Corrosion Association Inc which supports best practice in corrosion management, ensures the environment is protected and that public safety is upheld.

We follow a clear and tested procedure to treat concrete cancer and begin by removing damaged concrete sections. Our team then grinds back the reinforcing steel to remove all signs of rust and treats the steel with anti- corrosives. Concrete and steel are primed so the surfaces will bond to avoid any weak points developing in the structure in the future.

Once the treatment is complete, we reinstate the render and decorative features to restore the integrity of the original building.

Strata Remedial:

  • Repairs concrete cracks
  • Provides concrete waterproofing
  • Installs concrete joint systems and sealing
  • Undertakes structural strengthening
  1. Australian Standards AS 3600

Window and door replacement.

Faulty double glazing, inadequate flashing or poor waterproofing are just some of the causes of window and door damage. These issues can lead to unwanted leaks and cause operational problems when opening and closing.

Even if they are partially protected by eaves, leakage may occur through the door seal and threshold. The amount of actual damage will depend upon the exposure, height of the sill and typical weather conditions.

Strata Remedial will assess the damage to determine the most appropriate solution. Sometimes a quality sealant will address the issue but generally the roof or window system needs to be disassembled.

Once the frame is removed, our team will examine and repair flashings or replace the entire system, depending on the extent of the damage.

  1. Australian Standard AS 1288 – 2006

General building services.

Given the complexity and individuality of every building, dozens of issues are prone to arise at any one time. Some repairs may be straight forward and others, more complex.

Whatever the problem, you need to engage a team you can trust, and Strata Remedial’s expertise covers a broad range of trades.

Strata Remedial’s general building services include:

  • Masonry restoration including repointing
  • General carpentry
  • Tiling, rendering and plaster repairs
  • Roofing repairs, including tile and metal sheet replacement
  • Bricklaying, stonework and paving
  • Electrical and plumbing services
  • Metalwork such as balustrade, handrail and gate repairs
  • Rendering and painting